Father of Love, You can have me!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Is there anything that you're just so passionate about that you get giddy just thinking about it? Yep, that's me with Young Life. I went to Rockbridge for camp the summer after my Freshman year of high school in 2009 and there was no turning back from there. I surrendered my whole being to Jesus Christ as my Savior. Is what the most freeing and refreshing moment ever. And little did I know that it wasn't just going to be for a moment. It was going to be a freedom that carried on for the rest of my life. Also, I didn't really know what it meant to have a relationship with Christ until learning more and more about Him from that point on. I didn't realize the power and love that our Lord has for His children. But this realization really became more real this year. Yes, I have been faced with a multitude of trials and blessings, but the one I want to focus on right now is what has been an ongoing blessing since the very first week of college. This blessing is my Young Life/College Life community here in

College Life on Halloween!

Being together 1 day a week for College Life quickly turned into 2 days a week when we began leader training which quickly turned into spending time with one another everyday as we became a family and community together. These people are seriously the greatest. There is just something about this group that has my heart. I love each and every one of them so dearly and I am so thankful the Lord has put each one of them in my life. We worship together, we pray together, we go to church together, we eat lunch together, we watch movies together, we share our life stories together, and most of all, we love one another. These people are too good to me. My God is too good to me. How blessed is our Great Deliverer!

After a few months or so of getting to know one another and going through leader training together, it came down to crunch week. It was the week of placement. Sunday was our last leader training, Monday was when we had our interviews, Wednesday was College Life, Thursday all the guys in leader training took all the girls in leader training out to dinner for Valentine's Day (sooo sweet!), and Friday was the placement party! I had a BIG week ahead of me! But hey, I got through it!

Valentine's Day Dinner at Ramsey's! (I'm not in this picture; we left early!)

And guess what!


Sorry for so much beating around the bush, but I wanted to build the suspense! :)

The new leaders of Tates Creek at placement!

Ya'll the Lord has been so faithful to me. I cannot even fathom it. I am just so thankful that He found me and met me where I was and He gives me this opportunity (when I for sure don't deserve it) to share Christ with high school students. He could so easily do it all on His own, but He invites us in to share this with Him! How great is He?! He gives our lives worth and provides a love for us that will not fade.

My new co-leader, Emily Jones! :) The 2 new girl leaders!
I am so excited to just run alongside my Creator by taking part in a ministry that was such a great tool in my life that helped me come to know the Lord. Now, I have the privledge of helping other kids like me (and unlike me!) come to know the Lord. WOW! What. A. Huge. Blessing. Thankful for all of those who have supported me through the years and continue to back me up as I begin this new journey with my Father from a different perspective. SO EXCITED :)

Music Reaches the Soul

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Music does wonders, plain and simple. It can be any genre and it makes you feel something inside of you that just makes you feel like you are completely expressing yourself. It's so freeing and fun. Lyrics can describe exactly what you're going through or hit too close to home. They can be just what you needed to hear. Music is a wonderful gift that the Lord has presented us with. It's one of my favorite things, without a doubt.

Songs have the ability to make you cry, jump for joy, smile, praise, and just feel awesome. It's amazing. For me, I really enjoy all genres of music. One that reaches down in my soul and makes me feel the most alive, though, is worship music. There's just something about crying out the Father and that you are in total presence of the Lord. Joy. Utter joy. There's just a connection to our Father that you feel like is closer to Him than just praying. There's just something about worship music, man.

One of my all-time favorite worship songs is Forever Reign by Hillsong. I've just always loved it for some reason. Now, it has much more of a significance to me. It holds a very special place in my heart.

When I found out that the doctor's couldn't do anything else for my mom, I was in class. I vividly remember this. I went to the bathroom, came back, looked at my phone, then went back in the hallway because I received a call from my dad and a text from my brother saying, "Family meeting tonight back at home at 6". I immediately called my dad asking him what was going on. At this point, my mom had been at UK hospital for about a week and a half. My dad explained to me on the phone that there was nothing else that the doctor's could do for my mom and that the family had to make the choice of whether or not to keep her on oxygen for more time while she just stays in the hospital struggling and we just wait for her to pass or if we should take her off of everything and let her pass peacefully while everyone was there. My dad told me all of this over the phone. I started bawling. There was nothing I could do. I had no control over the situation. I went to the bathroom and wiped my eyes and headed back into my class. We were watching a video, but that definitely was not where my focus was. I knew I wasn't going to be able to watch the video or even do anything in class without crying. So I wrote. I wrote all my feelings and fears and prayers to the Lord. This helped more than I could ever imagine.

After class, I went back to my dorm where Grace was. I explained to her everything that was going on and bawled my eyes out, of course (I hate crying in front of people). Then, I went to the bathroom, was in the bathroom stall and just cried and prayed. Out of no where, absolutely no where, Forever Reign came to my head. It wasn't like I had just listened to it beforehand or anything. No, I hadn't heard it in weeks. How it came to my head, I have no idea. Wait, I know how, IT WAS ALL MY LOVING SAVIOR. Every single bit. And the part that came to my mind specifically was,
"Oh, I'm runnin' to Your arms, I'm runnin' to Your arms. The riches of You Love will always be enough. Nothing compares to Your embrace. Light of the World, forever reign."
I just kept singing those lyrics over and over and over again in my head. There was nothing I could do in this situation. Nothing. But the everlasting love of my Heavenly Father reminded me through these lyrics that I needed to trust in Him. Nothing compares to His embrace. His love is enough and will protect you and walk with you through the hardest days of your life. His Spirit dwells inside of you and is unleashed to the extreme when the water's get too high to handle. He carries you on His wings. He protects. He comforts. He loves. He got me through the biggest thing in my life. And a part of that came with Him putting a song on my heart.

And guess what! That song was played at church and leadership the weekend after she had passed. Coincidence? I think not. Just the Lord reminding me each day that He is there for me. How great! And guess what else! I start crying every time I hear it. In church, at leadership, in my dorm, everywhere!! EVERYWHERE! I don't even care about crying in front of people anymore. It's is good for the soul to sing it and cry out to Him! He is good!

I am so blessed to have a God that is bigger than ALL my fears and struggles. A God who make life worth living and allows us to have no fear in death. I miss my mom an awful lot. Her laugh, her jokes, her smile, her HUGS. Everything. But just knowing that she is resting with the Lord - her wonderful Maker - right now overwhelms my soul. It is so reassuring to know that. She is still here with me. In all I do she is here. I love her so much. Tomorrow marks 5 months without her. It seems like forever. She was such a light to everyone and I am so thankful for the Lord giving me her. I miss you, Mommy. Tell Jesus I said hi! :)



Sunday, February 3, 2013

I'm just freaking out a little. I need to get my priorities straight. I have had no motivation lately for anything. Homework is such a struggle for me to do anymore and I just always result to wanting to miss class (but I don't) and feeling sorry for myself. And we all know how it ends, at least for me - crying. Casey cries when she's stressed out. Well, if you thought I only cry when I'm stressed out, man, did I fool you? I need to get a grip on this whole college thing. No more excuses for homework. I have so much time to do it with work and everything. Gosh, sometimes I get so mad at myself. I am not glorifying Jesus through these tasks He has put in front of me. College is a place for preparing yourself for a career in the future that you will use to glorify and represent Him. If we are not well prepared for this career, then we won't be representing Jesus well. I need to remind myself of that. I can just get so unmotivated. And I HATE it. Just a little bit of a venting post.

Lord, give me the strength and power that you had to push through. Help me to seek You more and represent You well through my diligence and obedience in the work you have put before me. Motivate my heart and "set a fire down in my soul". Give me this passion to work for You wholeheartedly, Lord. That's what we were made to do, Lord. Remind me of Your promises for me. That when I am discouraged with procrastination, that You let me know that none of this matters once Your Kingdom comes, God. But let me also remember that You Kingdom isn't here yet, so I still need to persevere and work for You, Father. Give my heart the passion to follow You, Lord.