redemption of all.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

One of my favorite things about Jesus is that over and over and over again He makes me take a step back a say, "this has to be a joke" or "are you kidding me?!" or my all-time favorite, "this is actually HILARIOUS". He continues to blow me away by all the things He does and He has left me to wear out those phrases lately because He has shown me how sovereign He is and how much He desires redemption, but in the most perfect, intimate ways with us.

Before my freshman year of college ended at UK, I remember sitting in my dorm with my friend talking about doing Summer Staff. I got giddy and ready to be away for a month. Later, I decided to call my dad to see his thoughts on the situation. My dad brought me back to reality and said that he thought it would be best if I worked that summer instead of spending a month volunteering somewhere but not getting paid. I agreed, so I did just that and had my dreams crushed. At this point, I was a Young Life leader and hoped to go to summer camp with students, but it ended up not working out.

Winter break of my sophomore year of college at UK, I decided I wanted to be brave and adventure in 2014, so I made plans to go on my first mission trip to Honduras, apply for summer staff (and actually do it this time!) and most likely go to summer camp with students at Tate's Creek. I had goals and dreams and I was going to do anything to make them happen. I raised enough money and was so excited that things were ACTUALLY falling into place. Then, I received email after email from different Young Life camps I had applied to for Summer Staff saying that there weren't any spots left and that I was on the waitlist. This happened all summer. In late June I headed off to Honduras and tried to not let the frustration of not hearing back from Summer Staff get to me. The day after I got back from Honduras, I was planning on jumping on a bus to go to summer camp. Right when I flew back in to the States from Honduras, I got a call telling me there weren't enough girls signed up for camp and that I wouldn't get to go. I was crushed. Honduras was the best experience, but coming back expecting to spend another week with some of the girls you love the most and finding out you won't get to just hurts. So I continued to wait and see if any camp would contact me about doing Summer Staff. I got nothing. The summer ended and I was proud of myself for pursuing the things I wanted to do and taking the necessary steps to get there (something that hardly ever happens for me), but I was crushed on the inside. I felt as though God was calling me to step out of my comfort zone, try and make these things happen, doing that, then not getting what you wanted and tried so hard to get. I hated it. I had the time of my life in Honduras and overall an amazing summer, but through a lot of disappointment, I got to see that I don't have to do everything/have a jam-packed summer to experience the Lord. 

Then there's this year -- my junior year of college at UK. I applied to Summer Staff early so the chances of me getting in were the highest they could be. Not long after that, I was accepted to do Summer Staff in the Dominican Republic -- a place where I can speak Spanish and serve for the mission of Young Life. Unfortunately, I was unable to do it because the dates for Summer Staff were ones I wasn't available for -- I was going to be at summer camp with students. I had to turn down an awesome offer. My application was pushed along to the next camp I had applied to and it was like I was reliving last summer -- camp after camp emailing me to tell me there wasn't anymore spots and I was on the waitlist. My heart was getting worn out from all this crushed hope. A few weeks later, I received an email offering me a Coffee Shoppe position on Summer Staff at Lost Canyon in Arizona! And the dates were right! I cried and I danced and I thanked the Lord that something was actually happening! Meanwhile, my friends that I went to Honduras with the summer before kept asking if I was going again this summer. I was hesitant. Not because I didn't want to go -- I wanted so, so badly to return to the place that I left part of my heart and be able to serve in Honduras again. I was hesitant because I didn't know what other people would have thought. I doubted if I could raise the money again. I was nervous about planning and doing all the things I had to do last year. But the Lord was adamant. I had this crazy gut feeling and I knew this is where I wanted to be and where I needed to be. Through much prayer and thought, I knew this was it. So I said yes to going to Honduras again! I cannot express the deep sense of excitement I have to be back in Comayagua. And on top of that, I will be going to summer camp with students from Tate's Creek this year! 

WHAT. Hold the phone. Yep, that's right. Things that I have been pursuing for 2 years are all happening?! Seriously?! IS THIS A JOKE? Nope, this isn't a drill you all.. it's really happening. I will be going to Honduras, going to Carolina Point for YL summer camp with Tate's Creek students, and doing Summer Staff at the YL summer camp Lost Canyon for 3 weeks this summer. 

The Lord is sovereign.

He redeemed all of the disappointment from the past two summers. He placed hope and perseverance in me to even try to do these things again. I tell ya what, I sure am happy I didn't give up. I'm so glad I applied for summer staff even though I was crushed for 2 summers in a row. I am so happy I decided to stand up for myself and say yes to going to Honduras again. And the fact that I get to be at Carolina Point with Tate's Creek girls while they experience the best week of their lives puts me in complete awe. The Lord showed me so much the past 2 summers and the plans that didn't work out were the best for me, but God still knew my heart. He knew I still wanted to be able to do these things and He so graciously allowed them all to take place. He redeems all.

Did I mention too that while I'm in Honduras, I will get to meet the person that runs Vida Joven (Young Life in Spanish-speaking countries) in Comayagua? Yeah, that's real life!! I can't believe these things are coming together pretty well. We serve an awesome God that doesn't forget out prayers. Sometimes they don't happen when we want them to or when we think it's the best time or sometimes even at all, but that's because He has a better plan. 

If you feel worn out from things not going your way or working out, please, please persevere. Check your heart over and over again to see if you have the right motives. If you do, I urge you to persevere. God will honor that part of your character. He might do something completely different, but He will always ALWAYS give you what you need. He provides abundantly. Don't throw your dreams away. 

"And my God will supply all your need according to His riches in Christ Jesus. Now to our Father be the glory forever and ever! Amen." - Philippians 4:19-20.
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