Father of Love, You can have me!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Is there anything that you're just so passionate about that you get giddy just thinking about it? Yep, that's me with Young Life. I went to Rockbridge for camp the summer after my Freshman year of high school in 2009 and there was no turning back from there. I surrendered my whole being to Jesus Christ as my Savior. Is what the most freeing and refreshing moment ever. And little did I know that it wasn't just going to be for a moment. It was going to be a freedom that carried on for the rest of my life. Also, I didn't really know what it meant to have a relationship with Christ until learning more and more about Him from that point on. I didn't realize the power and love that our Lord has for His children. But this realization really became more real this year. Yes, I have been faced with a multitude of trials and blessings, but the one I want to focus on right now is what has been an ongoing blessing since the very first week of college. This blessing is my Young Life/College Life community here in

College Life on Halloween!

Being together 1 day a week for College Life quickly turned into 2 days a week when we began leader training which quickly turned into spending time with one another everyday as we became a family and community together. These people are seriously the greatest. There is just something about this group that has my heart. I love each and every one of them so dearly and I am so thankful the Lord has put each one of them in my life. We worship together, we pray together, we go to church together, we eat lunch together, we watch movies together, we share our life stories together, and most of all, we love one another. These people are too good to me. My God is too good to me. How blessed is our Great Deliverer!

After a few months or so of getting to know one another and going through leader training together, it came down to crunch week. It was the week of placement. Sunday was our last leader training, Monday was when we had our interviews, Wednesday was College Life, Thursday all the guys in leader training took all the girls in leader training out to dinner for Valentine's Day (sooo sweet!), and Friday was the placement party! I had a BIG week ahead of me! But hey, I got through it!

Valentine's Day Dinner at Ramsey's! (I'm not in this picture; we left early!)

And guess what!


Sorry for so much beating around the bush, but I wanted to build the suspense! :)

The new leaders of Tates Creek at placement!

Ya'll the Lord has been so faithful to me. I cannot even fathom it. I am just so thankful that He found me and met me where I was and He gives me this opportunity (when I for sure don't deserve it) to share Christ with high school students. He could so easily do it all on His own, but He invites us in to share this with Him! How great is He?! He gives our lives worth and provides a love for us that will not fade.

My new co-leader, Emily Jones! :) The 2 new girl leaders!
I am so excited to just run alongside my Creator by taking part in a ministry that was such a great tool in my life that helped me come to know the Lord. Now, I have the privledge of helping other kids like me (and unlike me!) come to know the Lord. WOW! What. A. Huge. Blessing. Thankful for all of those who have supported me through the years and continue to back me up as I begin this new journey with my Father from a different perspective. SO EXCITED :)

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